Time to reclaim the playground and sprinkle it with childhood

Childhood Odyssey is an immersive art experience that invites participants to reconnect with their first ten years on Earth, with their untamed sense of discovery and joy. It's an invitation to socialize with play, to awaken our innate creativity, and to ignite a new sense of wonder.

This installation art will have its first home at Burning Man 2024.

Step into the Swing Cube where art defies gravity in a playground of the mind.

Help us get to playa at Burning Man 2024

Contribute now to help us bring this healing catalyst to its rightful home on the playa.

Funds will be used to cover materials (wood), printed photographs and murals, and transportation costs.

Your donation makes a difference in bringing art to life. Join us in creating a unique experience.

The Installation

Swing in and out of reality

The swings in and out of the cube, offer a timeless connection echoing the freedom and joy of the inner child.

The muscle memory of the body swaying back and forth is much like the tapestry of life itself.

Resonating echos

Immerse in the recorded familiar sounds of childhood, stories, and songs of children.

Sway absorbing childhood sounds, the enchanting stories, and the laughter echoing through the space.

Let’s Work Together

We love caring hearts eager to make a positive impact.
Join our community on our mission of spreading a message of peace and healing.